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Make Way For Silly T Shirts And Naked Bananas

You guys know how much I love my silly and witty t-shirts, but did you know that I actually have a difficult time finding them? Luckily, I have great friends who know how to shop for the obscure. I have to thank them and Klee for most of the fun shirts I own.

Even still, there are some shirts that I want, that simply don’t exist… so, I’m going to create them, and offer them to the world because… why not.

Silly T shirts By Rafi Perez
I know Kung fu movies

Along with my beautiful artistic designs that I showed you last week, I have also been building a fun T-shirt collection that will be releasing within my catalog.

These are all fun t-shirts that I want for myself. Some of the t-shirts will be geared towards art and artists, some will be based on our YouTube channel, some will be just plain silly, and others will be mind puzzles.

Silly T shirts By Rafi Perez (1)
Inked Octopus

This collection will be in addition to the art clothing I am designing. The catalog for all of it will be released in early October if everything stays on track.

I’m really excited about this, especially because I love the idea of wearing my own fun.

Silly T shirts By Rafi Perez
Art Rhymes With Fart… Just Sayin’

Some of it will not be every person’s taste, but I’m alright with that.

Stay tuned, and please let me know if you have ANY ideas for a fun t-shirt you would like to see.

Silly T shirts By Rafi Perez
Naked Banana
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This Moment Is An Opportunity

As this week comes to a close, I look around my messy studio and ponder the events that lead up to this point. Several projects in their half finished state screaming for my attention, wanting the closure that all artistic creations seek.

Yet, in this myriad of untidy unrest I find myself happy.

Rafi in a messy art studio

Not because of the mess… I’m actually not fond of messes. I feel like your mind is a reflection of your surrounding, so a cluttered mind equals a cluttered house. In my case a holy crap batman studio equals a holy crap batman mind.

I think it’s because this week I was very deliberate about how I spent my time. I looked at every moment as a gift and decided to spend it doing something meaningful.

Rafi in a messy art studio

Now, I have a lot of projects that I’m working on, such as artworks, pieces for the art hunt, videos, planing an exhibition, so you would think my time is always pretty deliberate… but it’s not.

Recently, I had gotten in the habit of sitting on my couch in the studio and vegging out. Like full on, staring at nothing for who knows how long, minus the drool… that’s gross.

I realized that during that time, I wasn’t thinking about what I was thinking. I was just thinking random things and not necessarily noticing what I was thinking. It wasn’t good things either, I was complaining to myself about things and not even noticing that I was complaining.

Rafi in a messy art studio

So, I decided to pay attention, I was going to think about the things that I decided to think about, not just random happenstance.

And so, when I looked around today, I saw passion and a sense of love for what I do. I felt full… much better than sitting there mindlessly wondering what I would do if I was fighting a zombie dressed as a clown… Not that I wouldn’t take an opportunity to think about it, but it’s so much cooler when you do it deliberately.

So, what’s on your mind?


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Happy Easter! My Favorite Memes.

Easter is upon us, for a lot of us, it’s about sacrificing sleep, Easter baskets, and egg laying rabbits.

For others, it is a day to give time to reflect on a great sacrifice made for humanity, and to pray that the impact of Easter continues to impact all for the better.

For the better… A lot of us have different ideas on what that means.

For me on this beautiful day, I will spread joy in appreciation for Easter in the form of Easter memes… Enjoy!

Rafi's Favorite Easter Memes
Rafi's Favorite Easter Memes
Rafi's Favorite Easter Memes
This one is just so cute… Which is weird, because I would never want a pet rabbit.
Rafi's Favorite Easter Memes

So, this next series of memes, just takes me back to my childhood. The whole ridiculousness of the frighting mall picture experience that many of us have had… these pictures crack me up.

Happy Easter you guys! I love you, be good to each other and remember to enjoy this amazing thing we call life.

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Become A Creative Failure To Succeed

Have you ever had someone tell you that you weren’t good enough, that you’ll never make it, or that you would fail? If you have, then welcome to the club, this is a good place to be so don’t fret.

I think we all have some of those people in our lives, that either verbally or quietly disapprove of what they consider our childish ambitions. The truth is that anything that is outside of the norm is considered childish most of the time.

It’s interesting to me that most artists that are revered today for ushering in a new era of art, were considered losers by the art establishments in their day. We usually write this off by saying that the artist was ahead of his time, but I think it has more to do with perseverance than anything else.

Van Gogh

Today, we consider Vincent Van Gogh to be one of the greatest and most influential painters of all time, but that wasn’t the case when he was alive. Van Gogh’s work received little to no recognition during his lifetime. His paintings were often described as being too dark and lacking the bright liveliness seen in Impressionist paintings of the time.

The funny thing is that Monet’s Impressionist paintings were rejected before they became popular as well. His work and other Impressionists’ paintings were rejected by society and art exhibitions because it went against the traditional style and method of painting.

Claude Monet
Painting By Monet Rejected By The Paris Salon

Even Picasso was highly criticized by his peers quite often because some of his paintings diverged from the divergent artist movements that were happening already.

The fact is that each one of these artists embraced their craft and just kept creating despite what people were telling them. They painted what they painted because they wanted to, not because it was popular. Eventually, they had a large body of work that just could not be ignored.

Paris Salon

Vincent Van Gogh died poor, having only sold one painting to a friend in his lifetime, but he also died young. I think had he lived longer he would have found fame like any other creative person that perseveres through what I call the dark years.

No matter what you want to do in your life, I think if you don’t give up, you’ll get there. If you keep going, creating, and moving forward there is no way you can truly fail. If you quit, it’s like closing a fairy tale book before getting to the end. It doesn’t mean there isn’t a happy ending, you just stopped reading before actually getting there.

Stephanie's Mermaid By Rafi Perez
One of my paintings, because… why not??

People around you are going to tell you that you will fail, and they’re right, but failure is a temporary stretch of road that can lead to a happy ending. But, you’ll never know if you don’t try.

Watch me talk about other creative geniuses who were considered losers in this video:

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The Critic Doesn’t Count, THE MAN IN THE ARENA

It was about nine years ago, when I ran across this excerpt from a speech by Teddy Roosevelt. This speech changed my life and my point of view of people who criticized my ability to succeed.

Klee and Rafi traveled the country and challenged their old way of living, despite the naysayers and critics saying it wasn’t possible.


I am working on a video that is about taking negative criticism, so I’ve been inspired to share it with you:

” It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ”

— Theodore Roosevelt


Here is the video I recently did about some of the negative critics I have had, and how I deal with them.

When you hold on to your vision, no one can ever stop you.

Vision In My Mind By Rafi Perez
Vision In My Mind By Rafi Perez

Stay endlessly inspired by the stuff of life. Love you. –Rafi

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Childish? The Best People Are.

It’s no secret that Klee and I are all about embracing your inner child, and living a life full of adventure… Also being weird, and all those other things that people think artists are.


Being Childish Is Fun
Rafi The Clown Being Childish Is Fun

I am pretty much convinced that kids have life all figured out. I mean, think about it, chances are you were once a kid. Chances are you were even fun and spontaneous, with a great sense of humor.

Being Childish Is Fun
Klee and I photobombing our friends booth at the market

Then, at some point, you were welcomed into the ritualistic daily grind of adulthood, gradually eradicating your inner child. Let’s be honest, most adults suck, they feel frustration instead of hope, and care too much about what others think of them.

Being Childish Is Fun
My favorite thing to do when we go shopping is color in the kids area.

But, if you are reading this, chances are, you are not much of an adult. You are that magical creature that keeps the inner child alive… Like Peter Pan.

The more of these traits you have, the more childish you are:

*They are curiously looking at the world.

*They make it a point to learn something new every day.

*They make small things enjoyable.

*They persevere.

*They stay active.

*They are more optimistic.

*They see the beauty in nature.

*They don’t hold grudges.

*They are adaptable.

*They don’t care about what other people think about them.

*They dream big.

*They are kind to others.

*They aren’t rushed.

*They have more fun.

Being Childish Is Fun
She makes a very pretty clown.

Living a life full of wonder, appreciation for the small things, humor, kindness, resilience, and big dreams is exactly what your inner child would want you to do. So, embracing it, just might be the most awesome thing you can do for your life.

Watch This Video On More Of My Thoughts On The Traits Of Being Awesomely Childish:

Leave a comment in the section below of how you embrace your inner child.

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You Just Wont Have Time For Boredom

Klee and I don’t watch much TV because honestly, some of those commercials are draining. Especially the drug commercials. I feel like any time we sit down to watch Supernatural, by the end of the constant stream of maladies and side effects being thrown at us, I am convinced that I’m dying… I’m not sure of what, but I’m sure I’m dying of something.


So, we decided to have a little fun with it and created our own drug commercial. This week in our old video reboot, I present you with the drug STIMULEX which doesn’t allow you the unfortunate condition of boredom. Enjoy!