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Shifting Gears: From Comparison to Connection in Art and Life

I’ve spent some time soul-searching, trying to pin down what exactly led me down a path of burnout and stress. Today, I’m excited to share some revelations with you about mindset shifts that have begun to transform not just my art, but my life.

Watch my latest video on the subject:

The Trap of the Comparison Game

Here’s the truth: the art career is more than a job—it’s a lifestyle. And in this lifestyle, it’s dangerously easy to fall into the comparison trap. You see someone new on the scene, exploding with success, and it’s natural to wonder, “What am I doing wrong?” I’ve been there, scrolling through social media, inadvertently playing this comparison game, measuring my worth against others’ highlights.

But here’s the thing—comparison steals your joy and your unique creative spark. It took me a while, but I realized that comparing was leading nowhere but to more self-doubt.

Turning Competition into Connection

Then came the competitive spirit, not the healthy kind, but a secretive, isolating one. It was me against them, even if ‘them’ were authors I admired or artists I aspired to connect with. But competition, in this sense, only served to separate me further from the community I cherished.

So, I asked myself, “What’s the opposite of competing?” The answer was clear: connecting. As artists, we’re in this together, crafting unique pieces that speak our truths. Realizing this, I began to shift from a mindset of isolation to one of collaboration and support.

Criticism to Commendation

Criticism followed competition. At first, it was directed at others, then at myself. This was perhaps the hardest to overcome. It’s easy to criticize when you feel threatened or insecure. Yet, I knew deep down that this wasn’t who I wanted to be.

Replacing criticism with commendation changed everything. Celebrating others’ successes, understanding the hard work they put in, and genuinely feeling happy for them helped me realize that their wins do not diminish my own. This shift not only improved my relationships but also my self-esteem.

From Complaining to Cherishing

Lastly, the complaining. Oh, the endless cycle of focusing on what’s wrong, what’s lacking, what should have been. It was exhausting. Instead, I’ve started to cherish. Cherishing the good in my life, the successes, big or small, and the simple fact that I get to create every day has brought me so much more peace and connectivity.

Download The Poster:

Order A Signed Poster:

Embracing a New Mindset

So here we are, shifting from comparing to comprehending, from competing to connecting, from criticizing to commending, and from complaining to cherishing. It might sound all “touchy-feely,” but ask yourself—how do you want to live your life? Entangled in jealousy and discontent, or embracing a world where you can truly appreciate and enjoy your journey as a creative human?

It’s a great question to ask yourself.

Have an amazing week, keep creating, and remember—you’re absolutely amazing just as you are.

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Unleashing Your Artistic Superpower

The image above was taken in 2010 at the beginning of our artistic journey. This picture is the first step in us embracing our superpower. It’s a superpower that all creatives have inside. It is being you, with all your quirks and all your weirdness.

Today, we’re about to embark on a journey into the heart of what makes you not just an artist but a superhero in your own right – your uniqueness.

I’ve been deep in contemplation lately, navigating the twists and turns of my own creative path. Moving, life’s chaos, and a hiatus from art had left me grappling to rediscover my theme, my voice. And what stood in my way like a formidable adversary? Conformity.

Let’s call it what it is – conformity is the kryptonite for artists. It threatens to make us invisible, to drown out the very essence of what makes us special. But fear not, for embracing our uniqueness is the ultimate superpower.

In my artistic journey, I’ve found solace in embracing the quirks that make me, well, me. My artwork is fluid, a reflection of my rebellion against the meticulous finishing touches. There’s a rawness to it that my insecure side once questioned, but deep down, I adore it just the way it is.

Now, imagine your uniqueness as a melody within you, a rhythm that sets you apart from the symphony of the world. Every artist carries this unique tune, a blend of experiences, emotions, and perspectives – your artistic DNA. No two tunes are the same.

Conformity may seem like the easy path, but it’s a road that leads to invisibility. Picture it as trying to fit into a preset song, drowning out your individual tune. It might make you blend in, but it makes you vanish from the spotlight, turning you into background noise instead of the star of your own show.

Why is being unique a superpower? Because the world is noisy. Everyone is doing their thing, following trends. Standing out is not just crucial; it’s your signature move. Your uniqueness is the key to creating art that resonates profoundly because it comes from within you.

Now, let’s tackle the fear – the fear of being different, the fear of standing out. But here’s the truth: your uniqueness is not a weakness; it’s a strength. It’s your authenticity, your realness, and there’s nothing more powerful than authentic art. Stand in your confidence, surround yourself with those who celebrate diversity – fellow rogues who understand the value of being unique.

Experiment, explore, create your own path. Your uniqueness is your secret sauce, making your art memorable and incomparable. The road may be tough initially, with people struggling to understand your work. But keep putting it out there, for in time, they will compare it to your own unique journey.

Conformity is the silent killer of creativity. It stifles growth and hinders your own evolution. Embrace your uniqueness; it’s the antidote to invisibility. Don’t jump through hoops to fit in; stand out, for that is who you are.

So, how can you embrace your unique superpower? Start by accepting being different as a strength, not a weakness. Your uniqueness makes you authentic, real, and powerful.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, explore, and create your own way of doing things. The more you embrace your uniqueness, the louder it will resonate in the world. Your artwork will become more popular as you gain confidence in your own way of creating.

At the end of the day, remember this – your unique melody, the voice inside you, is your superpower. Don’t struggle to fit in, for your conformity might make you blend in, but it’s your uniqueness that will make you stand out. Stay unique, stay awesome, keep creating, keep dancing to your own beat, and embrace the rhythm that is your uniqueness.

I adore each and every one of you, Until next week, adios!

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Desperation Gets You Nowhere

I have answered a lot of letters over the years from artists who want to know my opinion on living the artist’s life. I am compiling those letters into a book that I am very excited about. Here is one of those letters. This is a response to someone who wanted to give up because they did a couple of art shows and didn’t sell anything. 

Dear Artist,

Greetings and creative vibes to you today! After reading your letter, I found myself immersed in a thought that I believe is crucial for us as artists, creators, and individuals on this incredible journey. It’s all about how we convey our message to the world – whether it’s through our art, at shows, on social media, or any other form of expression.

I know people out there may say to paste on a smile and keep presenting yourself to the world that way. That people will follow people that are confident and showing off the highlight reel is important. That is a terrible way to live and it is quite isolating. Instead, let’s focus on something deeper… something real – the way we communicate. Whether you’re selling at a show or creating content, your true feelings are bound to seep into your message. It’s like the lines between the lines, subtly revealing your emotions, no matter how hard you try to mask them.

You’re at a show, desperately trying to sell your creations. Feeling ignored and at wit’s end, you try to interact with people in a way that will bring a sale. Despite your friendly facade, that desperation is what people will sense. It puts them off. What is churning underneath will always come to the surface no matter how hard you try to hide it.

In that moment you feel victimized by the unfairness of it all. The desperation takes over. You NEED to sell something, you NEED to be validated, and You NEED to prove that you are good enough. However, in every situation, you have a choice – to feel like a victim or to feel empowered. You can either let circumstances and outcomes control you, or you can embrace your power, make decisions, and shape your own narrative.

When you feel stuck, when those clouds of doubt or stress loom over, they have the power to tarnish your outlook and hinder your creativity. But, here’s the thing – your priorities, your creative energy, they are yours to define. It’s all about the message you’re putting out there, not who is listening.

In our creative pursuits, we often face challenges, struggles, and uncertainties. But here’s the secret sauce – you have the ability to choose how you react to anything. You can either let these challenges define you, or you can rise above the noise.

I have shown my art at festivals and galleries hundreds of times, and I can tell you that there will be days when nothing happens. No sales, no conversations, no attention, and no validation. In those moments, you have to go inside and determine how you can take that experience and make it a powerful motivator to keep going. How it is all a notch on your belt and necessary for the evolution of becoming an artist who is unstoppable by circumstance.

I understand that society doesn’t often encourage us to explore and express our true feelings, the overarching emotional state that colors our interactions. Yet, it’s there, it’s palpable, and people can sense it. So, let’s be intentional about the energy we project into the world. Most importantly, the energy we project into ourselves.

Remember, we all have struggles, and that’s okay. What matters most is how you choose to face them. Self-sabotage is a real thing, and the first step to overcoming it is acknowledging it. So, let’s stand strong, confront our challenges, and convey our messages with unwavering confidence. It is in those moments of darkness that we can find our power.

I believe in you, but take these opportunities to believe in yourself. Take these opportunities to show yourself how strong you are. Take these opportunities to pick yourself back up and move forward despite the obstacles.

I adore you,
Rafi Perez


Please let me know your thoughts below.


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Rolling into 2024: Unleashing Awesomeness and Embracing Change!

As we kick off 2024 and wave a cheerful goodbye to 2023, I can’t help but take a moment to reflect on the wild ride that was last year. Boy, did we go on an adventure! We showcased our artwork at a virtual event, rocked a book fair, dropped some groovy music videos, laid down fresh tunes, hosted an epic workshop for artists, and even graced the stage with some live speaking events. Not too shabby, right?

But, hold up! Amidst all the glitter and glam, there’s a little something missing from that list—new artwork. Yup, I confess. Although I managed to sneak into the studio a few times, it wasn’t the art extravaganza I’d dreamed of for 2023. And let’s face it, having that studio time is like a therapeutic dance for the soul. I am missing it. I typically get in the studio about 4 to 5 days a week, however last year I was lucky to get in there for a day.

As an artist, I’ve come to realize that the studio is more than just a room with art supplies; it’s my haven, my escape. It’s where I unload the quirks of life and let my creativity run wild. Last year, however, the art vibes were a bit off, and I found myself craving more studio time than I got.

So, what’s the deal, you ask? I got in over my head with a website that turned into a glitchy rollercoaster, demanding my attention like a clingy friend. I found myself playing firefighter, putting out technical fires left and right. And guess what? The art studio, my personal paradise, got neglected. This also affected us financially since we do art for a living. No art, no making a living. More importantly, I was making things more difficult for myself by holding onto the idea that I NEEDED to do this.

So, we let the glitchy time-consuming project go.

Now, why am I laying it all out for you? Because, I want you to join me on the reflection train. Take a look at your 2023 – the highs, the lows, the sideways somersaults. Reevaluate, recalibrate, and make sure it feels good. Focus on the day-to-day dance of joy.

As creatives, we’re like wizards in our art studios, casting spells with every stroke of the brush. But if there’s anything messing with that magic, it’s time for a shake-up. Make getting into the studio a priority, not an afterthought.

If creating art isn’t your jam, no worries! Find that thing that sparks your excitement and lose yourself in it. Maybe it’s hitting the trails for a hike, diving into a gripping novel, or even mastering the art of staring at the clouds. The possibilities are endless.

Whether you’re into art creating, gardening, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, strumming a guitar, or even geeking out over the latest video games, the self-love things you do are the secret sauce that adds flavor to your life. In the hustle and bustle of everyday chaos, it’s easy to push these joys to the sidelines. But guess what? It’s high time to reclaim that precious time for the things that make your heart sing.

So, here’s your golden ticket to joy: make a date with your special things. Seriously, schedule it in your calendar, set a reminder, and treat it like a VIP appointment with your happiness. Just as I’m prioritizing my studio time, you should carve out those moments for your passions.

Whether you’re nurturing a green thumb in the garden or experimenting with a new recipe in the kitchen, these activities are your personal playgrounds of joy. Remember, life is not just about the hustle; it’s about the dance, the laughter, and the pure enjoyment of doing what you love.

Last year, I got stuck in a loop, surrounded by projects I couldn’t touch because I was stuck behind a computer. Why? Fear of change, the dread of letting people down. I’ve shouted the mantra “persist through the suck,” but here’s the kicker—it doesn’t mean sticking with something you don’t want to do.

Motivations can be tricky devils, pushing us to greatness or chaining us to something that sucks the joy out of life. So, let’s be rogues! Rip that metaphorical band-aid off, reevaluate what’s holding you back, and dance into the year with joy in your heart.

We love the Rogues!

I am happy to say that this year our Rogue membership and our awesome Rogues have moved back to Patreon. This has already given me more time to create and we are only two weeks into the new year. If you have been thinking about supporting the content that we put out there for artists, that will be the place to do it. Plus, you get all kinds of cool stuff weekly from us that is exclusive to our members. Join us on Patreon!

As for now, I am excited about some new art projects that are currently in the works. I have a series of sculptures, new paintings, and a new book that will be releasing in the next few months. I can;t wait to share them with you! Expect a tidal wave of awesomeness this year! Klee and I are buzzing with excitement to run our revamped Patreon, juggle some mind-blowing new art, new songs, and finally unleash those projects that have been chilling on the back burner. Get ready for a rollercoaster of creativity and joy!

Stay awesome, rockstars! See you soon with some fresh, mind-blowing awesomeness!

New Book Coming Soon!
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From Stormy Chaos to a Kaleidoscope of Creativity

Well, well, well! Look who’s back! It’s been a whopping eight months since our last adventure video, and oh, what a ride it’s been. From battling defiant trees to unexpected soirées with bats, our journey in Oil City has been nothing short of a rollercoaster of creativity and fun. So, grab your popcorn and let’s relive the highlights of our exhilarating escapade! You can watch our recent adventure below!

As we reflect on the past eight months, we realize that every storm, every surprise, and every creative endeavor has added a thread of color to our unique tapestry. The unruly tree may still cast its shadow, but we’ve learned to find beauty even in defiance.

So, here’s to the storms, the trees, the conferences, the unexpected, and the magic that unfolds when creativity meets life. As we bid adieu to this chapter, we eagerly await the blank canvas of the next, ready to paint it with the vibrant spirit of resilience, discovery, and boundless creativity.

Stay inspired, fellow adventurers, for our journey continues, and the best is yet to come! Enjoy the video:

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Open Studio TONIGHT! at 5 PM EST

Greetings, you fabulous creative creatures of the internet!

Hold on to your hats because tonight is the night – the night we take you on a wild rollercoaster ride through our studio, home, and gallery! That’s right, we’re live-streaming straight from the heart of creativity, and you’re invited to join in on the madness!

After what felt like a gazillion years (okay, maybe just a year or so), we’ve finally whipped our studio into shape, and tonight is the grand unveiling! Picture this: art, jewelry, stories, live music, and enough good vibes to power a spaceship. Oh, did I mention there’s a giveaway? Because, YES, there’s a giveaway – and it’s going down at 6 PM EST sharp! Get ready to win some seriously awesome stuff!

Now, I know you’re sitting there, thinking, “But what’s on the agenda?” Fear not, for I have the inside scoop on tonight’s festivities. Drumroll, please…

Golden Woolly Agoggle by Klee Angelie


We’ll kick things off with a virtual high-five and share some stories about our journey. Spoiler alert: there may or may not be hilarious anecdotes involved.


Time to put on your explorer hat as we guide you through our newly minted studio, revamped gallery, and media studio. Watch out for the hidden treasures – you never know what you might stumble upon!


Ready your wallets and get those itchy trigger fingers ready because we’re unleashing a live sale! Snag some unique pieces for yourself or your loved ones at a special “Thank You” price– ’tis the season for artsy goodness.

2023 Ornament By Artist Rafi Perez Original Art On Reclaimed Wood 2X3


Drumroll intensifies. The moment you’ve all been waiting for – the giveaway! Tune in, participate, and you might just be the lucky winner walking away with some jaw-dropping goodies.


Break out your air instruments and prepare for a musical extravaganza. We’ll be serenading you with tunes that’ll make you tap your toes and maybe even attempt to bring a smile to your lips!

AND FINALLY – QUICK Q&A (Ask us anything)

Curious minds, this is your time to shine! Throw your burning questions our way, and we’ll do our best to answer without breaking into a nervous sweat.

Throughout the entire event, you’ll have the chance to chat with us via the YouTube link. We’re counting on you to bring the virtual house down with your witty comments and infectious energy.

So, set a reminder, tie a string around your finger – do whatever it takes to remember that tonight, at 5 PM EST, we’re bringing the party to your screens. Get ready for a night filled with laughter, creativity, and the kind of fun that’ll leave you smiling for days.

Enter to win, buckle up, and let’s make this a night to remember! See you on the virtual dance floor, you amazing humans! 🚀💃🕺 #StudioParty #ArtisticExtravaganza #GiveawayGalore

WHAT: Rafi And Klee Virtual Open Studio
WHERE: The Sunflower House Via This Link:
WHEN: Saturday, December 9th At 5 PM Eastern
WHY: Because it is going to be a blast!

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Open Studio And Giveaway December 9th

It’s that time of year again! Welcome, art enthusiasts and festive souls! I’ve got some seriously exciting news to light up your December – Klee and I are throwing open the virtual doors of our Sunflower House for the most anticipated event of the season: our Virtual Open Studio on December 9, 2023, at 5 pm Eastern! Before we get started, the give-away link is down below, enter to win! Now back to describing the awesomeness that will be our virtual Open Studio!

Picture this: cozy up in your favorite holiday ugly sweater, grab a cup of spiked cocoa, and join us for an art-filled extravaganza right from the comfort of your home. It’s like a front-row seat to the coolest art show in town, no pants required!

This year promises to be extra special. We’re not just offering you a peek into our creative space; we’re cranking up the fun with music, a virtual tour of our art studio, stories that’ll warm your heart, and of course, loads of laughter. Because who says virtual events can’t be as lively as a holiday party at the Sunflower House?

And wait for it – drumroll, please – we’re rolling out some fantastic deals on select artworks! It’s like a holiday miracle – jaw-dropping art at irresistible prices. Plus, brace yourselves for the grand reveal of brand spanking new artworks and exclusive items crafted just for this virtual extravaganza. It’s arts galore!

Crimson Serenade By Artist Rafi Perez Original Art On Reclaimed Wood 10X12
Forest Deep Sterling Silver Moss Agate Tree of Life Necklace by Klee Angelie Jewelry

Now, here’s the real kicker – this year, for the first time ever, I’m unleashing a collection of Christmas ornaments and greeting cards that are bound to sleigh your festive spirit! Who knew art could deck the halls so stylishly?

Agoggles Ornament By Rafi Perez

Our Virtual Open Studio is more than just an art show; it’s a chance for us to kick back, relax, and share some holiday cheer with you. It’s like having a front-row seat to our laid-back hangout, where the only agenda is to have a blast!

And if you thought it couldn’t get any better – hold onto your Santa hats – we’re hosting an incredible giveaway! Imagine scoring a Rafi and Klee art and jewelry bundle or even a one-on-one Zoom meeting with us. Dreams do come true lol! Just sign up below for a chance to win these fantastic prizes, and we’ll be announcing the lucky winners during the show.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the festive spirit, mark your calendars for December 9 at 5 pm Eastern, and head over to the page below to sign up for our virtual giveaway. Let’s make this year’s Virtual Open Studio the talk of the season – an unforgettable evening of art, laughter, and holiday magic. We can’t wait to virtually hang out with each and every one of you!

WHAT: Rafi And Klee Virtual Open Studio
WHERE: The Sunflower House Via This Link:
WHEN: Saturday, December 9th At 5 PM Eastern
WHY: Because it is going to be a blast!

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Your Calendars Are Shipping Out With A Little Extra Love

Guess what’s making this year absolutely, positively, undeniably awesome? Drumroll, please… Rafi Limited Edition special calendars! Can I get a virtual high-five? I’m practically bursting with excitement because these calendars arrived and are next level. Seriously, they’re so fantastic that even I, the mastermind behind prior years’ calendars, am blown away.

I’ve been pacing around like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for these beauties to arrive, and when I finally got my hands on them, oh boy, it was like holding a slice of heaven. The quality is off the charts, and I can’t wait for you to experience the calendar magic.

Before I dive into the calendar extravaganza, let me take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all you wonderful souls who’ve already snagged one of my calendars. You guys are awesome! Your support means the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough for embarking on this creative journey with me.


Now, let’s talk calendar shipping dates! Klee and I are currently in full-on calendar-packing mode. It’s like a calendar assembly line, and we’re loving every minute of it. We’ve already started shipping! Yup, the calendars are making their way to your doorstep as we speak. The last grouping of Calendars will ship on December 11th, you will receive a tracking number via email.

If you’re still on the fence about getting one, here’s your friendly nudge – there are only 20 calendars left! That’s it, just 20. And because I’m feeling extra festive, I’ve extended the sale until December 9. It’s your last chance to grab a slice of “Rafi” for 2024.

But wait, there’s more! For that extra dose of motivation, I’ve thrown in a signed poster. Something to jazz up your space and keep those creative vibes flowing throughout the year. It’s like having a pocket-sized muse, minus the awkward conversations.

Also, mark your calendars (pun intended) for December 9 at 5 pm Eastern because we’re throwing a virtual art show extravaganza! This event will be full of live music, a tour of the Sunflower House art studio (yes!), and of course, plenty of stories and art to keep your creative juices flowing. We will be sharing links soon!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this year incredible. Hanging out with you and growing as an artist has been an absolute blast. Here’s to an exciting and awesome 2024 – let’s make it memorable together. See you at the virtual show!

Cheers, You Rock!


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Chaos, Calendars, and Empowering Artist Souls

Welcome to the chaotic haven that is my studio! Today, I’m diving in with a mind as blank as a fresh canvas—yes, you heard it right, my brain’s on vacation. But don’t worry, I come bearing announcements that might just make your morning!

First things first: major life update! My daughter has parachuted into this artistic universe of mine, causing delightful chaos and a whirlwind of adjustments. We’re currently in the eye of the storm, navigating these uncharted waters, but oh boy, it’s a crazy adventure and I couldn’t be more thrilled!

Creativity With My Daughter In The Studio

Now, onto the second tidbit—massive thanks to all you wonderful souls who’ve snagged a Rafi 2024 limited edition calendar! They’re selling like hotcakes, but, there are still a few left. Wanna snatch one for yourself? Just hit that link down below and voila! Your year is about to get artfully organized.

And drumroll, please! The free masterclass has finally emerged from the depths of editing purgatory! It’s live on our courses section, on our rogue community site waiting for eager creative minds like yours to absorb its brilliance. No emails are required and no fuss—just pure, unadulterated knowledge. 

In the masterclass, we discuss the nitty-gritty of an artist’s journey. Now, I may sound like a cheesy motivational speaker every once in a while, but bear with me. One major hurdle for us artists isn’t out there in the big bad world, it’s right in our heads. Yup, it’s all about managing our business, time, and well, that little thing called life.

Artist Masterclass With Rafi And Klee

And here’s the golden rule—no sacrificing our soul for a sack of gold coins. It’s about making your mark in your own authentic way, becoming your own niche. The process? Seizing the reins of your career and feeling empowered to march forward in your creative conquest.

So just dive in and soak up our Rogueness like a sponge.

So, that’s the scoop for today. I might not have dropped any comedic bombs or life-altering revelations, but hey, we’re a family here, right? And sometimes, even I have days where words seem to evade me. But guess what? You guys are incredible, and I adore each and every one of you. Have a brilliantly creative week! Adios for now!

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The New You, And Hope

The Holiday season has come and gone. As Klee and I prepared for our long winter nap and reflection, I was struck by an important question. Who are you today? I mean, I know who I am, right? Surprisingly, the answer is no. The fact is that we change and evolve with every experience we have.

Listening to the gusts of wind and snow pummel my house, I was taken back to my childhood and some experiences and people that helped make me who I am today. These moments, conversations, struggles, and highlights taught me valuable lessons. However, if I am candid with myself, it is just a narrative I have repeated so much that it has become a reality. Everything I remember from my past is a construct of my design. I watched much TV as a kid and absorbed characters like Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross. They impacted me by introducing me to something I wasn’t surrounded by. Hope. But was it real?

Maybe it was the holidays or that Klee and I decided to take some time off from all the craziness and reset, but I can’t help wondering why I do what I do.

Anyone following our journey knows the last few years have been full of adventurous tales.

Rafi and Klee are waiting for a call from realtor

Some of you know that we moved last year, and to say it has been a crazy rollercoaster ride is an understatement. Let’s be honest, the last few years have been a bit of an insane ride, and I finally feel like we are getting to some semblance of normal. Well, normal for us. As I reflect, I think about how our lives changed dramatically and the toll it took on us.

The true craziness started in 2020 when the world shut down, and everyone fought amidst a pandemic. Klee and I spent a lot of time navigating the changes that would have to come with our art business. No longer able to do local shows for income, we needed to adapt and change our strategy. As we watched our bank account dwindle, we struggled to find footing. The truth is, spending a lot of time indoors and away from others wasn’t bothering us at all. Klee and I are artists. That’s normal for us. We spend a lot of time in our studio. We also really like each other, so nothing much had changed. It felt like the world around us was changing, or maybe we were paying closer attention since we weren’t distracted by markets and shows. Things sometimes felt a bit dark, but we kept our spirits up.

Because we needed to take a new direction, we focused a little more on connecting with artists online. We started a community of Rogue artists from all over the world. We wanted to create a safe place for creatives to interact and share ideas. We began to invest more time in our online efforts. We built a community, started a podcast, and uploaded more videos. We also supported the artists in our local area whenever we could. Then hurricane Sally hit our area, and everything shut down twice over. To say that 2020 was challenging doesn’t quite sum up the year. Let’s say the term dumpster fire is a better description.

Rafi And Klee Zoom Meetings During 2020

Enter 2021, and things are slowly coming out of the worst of the pandemic, but there are still a lot of heightened emotions and arguments in the world. As much as people wanted to talk and argue politics, I wanted nothing to do with that conversation. At this point, we had our eyes set on moving, but we were still trying to navigate the financial effects of 2020. I was writing my second and third books, organizing the art for a large exhibition, planning an adventure to the north, and figuring out how to afford to purchase a new home.

We had wanted to move from the apartment we had been living in for a while. The truth is we had outgrown it years earlier, and other factors involved made it a somewhat challenging environment for what we do. With every year that passed, the challenges became more prominent. Every year, however, we would put it off until the following year. This was most likely due to fear. As much as we wanted to move, we knew how to navigate our environment, which was comfortable (as in our comfort zone, which has nothing to do with real comfort). We finally reached a point where we had no other option but to move on and leave the apartment behind. Things had gotten beyond challenging, and we were determined to escape the situation we had put ourselves in by living in the apartment. We decided that even if we had to live in our car, get rid of everything, and start over again, we were willing to do that. It was time for a change.

Of course, the odds were stacked against us. Self-employed artists are at the lowest rung of banking loan opportunities, but we didn’t care this time. We were going to make it happen. Towards the end of the year, we gathered what we had saved from successful art shows and proceeded to travel the country and look for a new home. We eventually landed in Oil City, which had an artist’s relocation program to revitalize this once-boom town. The city is beautiful, and we found a house that we immediately fell in love with. It was our dream home. Our offer was accepted, and it was time to return, pick up our belongings, and start our new life.

Upon arriving at the apartment, we found that a leak from an air-conditioner had devastated Klee’s jewelry bench and tools. The water had also gotten underneath the protective tarp surrounding the studio. This meant that we would have to tear things down at a hurried pace. Exhausted from our travels, we jumped into taking the studio apart, buying a house long distance, organizing another art show, collecting art from around town, and getting ready to move our lives across the country.

Klee trying to recover her damaged jewelry bench and tools

The studio was shut down during all this, and we could not take any orders. This meant we were not making any money.

It was a month of constant exhaustion and heavy lifting that ended with us throwing everything into a 26-foot U-Haul before our landlords showed up with their own Uhaul (who needed us to move ours out of the way, but that’s a whole other story). We put our jeep on the tow dolly and navigated our way to our new town, stopping to nap at a Truckstop and racing against time to make it to our new home for the closing.

Once we were at the house, the challenges continued. We knew that buying an older home would require updates and repairs. However, we did not expect no-shows, delays, and a lack of good contractors. The house needed new electrical, plumbing, and other repairs before we could open our studio. At this point, the studio had been shut down for months.

Finally, eight months into 2021, we opened the art studio and jumped right into taking commissions and opening up our online store. We were in our dream home, and life was good. However, it was nonstop, and my body couldn’t take it anymore. The move and pushing my body too far caused debilitating pain. I pushed on anyhow.

We organized a two-month gallery show, released two books, music, volunteered, and worked on commissions all while we did repairs for our new home and built our lives back up. All the while feeling like we would never catch up and get back on track. We pushed through the holiday orders and finally got to a place where we could catch our breath.

Honestly, all of this would have been fine, it is just the luck of being busy as an artist who just moved to a new town. However, on the back end, everything we had in place to run our art business was old and outdated. Systems needed an overhaul, and everything was more complicated than it needed to be.

Enter the break.

Towards the end of 2022, we decided to take a few months off to get ourselves organized and restructured. During that time, we released the last audiobook, built a Rogue Artist Community site, created systems for our business (giving us more time for creativity), finished building our art studio, and updated our website and webstore.

Another artist I know said, “I’m jealous. I wish we could take a few months off and relax.”

Relaxing is next on our list lol.

My reflection on these last few years has taught me that no matter what is thrown at you, nothing can stand in your way as long as you are determined to keep going. However, making time for self-care and relaxation is paramount. We may be able to climb mountains, but you have to stop and rest along the way.

I can sit here and bitch about all the struggles we have had, but honestly, that’s just life. How we handle them and reflect is really what matters. We may still be recovering physically and financially, but what drives me forward is the same thing I was introduced to as a child. Hope. The difference is I surround myself with it now.