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How To Persist And Keep Going

It’s easy to throw around the words “stay persistent,” but what does that really mean in the day-to-day grind of an artist’s life? Well, I’ve got your back. Let’s break down the steps I take to ensure I’m always moving forward, even when the path gets a little rough.

Clarify Your Why
First things first, you need to reconnect with your artistic roots. Remember why you started creating art in the first place. It’s a personal journey, an expression of your inner self. While money might sneak its way into your motivations, it’s essential to remind yourself of the passion that ignites your creativity. If money becomes the sole reason, you’ll hit roadblocks when it’s not flowing in. So, pinpoint what truly fuels your artistic fire.

Set Temporary Goals
Now, about those goals. They’re your North Star, your guiding light. But don’t get lost in the abyss of vague ambitions like “making a living with art.” Instead, break down your bigger dreams into bite-sized, achievable goals. Completing ten artworks by month’s end or making that gallery call this week. Small wins lead to big victories, and specific goals keep you motivated.

Persistence Is Vital As An Artist

Craft a Consistent Routine
Routine is the backbone of progress. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, allocate dedicated time to create, reflect, and plan. Stick to it, even on days when motivation plays hide and seek. The “stickman” might try to derail you with excuses, but don’t let it. Stick to your routine like glue, and you’ll find momentum building.

Celebrate Every Victory
Victories come in all shapes and sizes. Don’t wait for grand achievements to validate your progress. Celebrate the telephone call made, even if rejection follows. Every step forward is a win, so revel in it. Positive reinforcement keeps your spirit soaring and your motivation unshakeable.

Stay Organized and Adaptable
Organize your thoughts and tasks from the start. Calendars, planners, and apps are your allies in managing projects, deadlines, and inspirations. But remember, flexibility is key. Adapt and learn from your successes and failures. The art world is fluid, and your strategies should be too.

Build a Strong Support System
You’re not alone on this journey. Connect with like-minded artists, mentors, and friends who understand your challenges and victories. Share your wins and struggles, for they are the backbone of your support system. They’ll lift you up when self-doubt creeps in.

Persistence Is Vital As An Artist

Embrace Patience
Progress is a marathon, not a sprint. Understand that setbacks are par for the course. Patience is your ally. There will be moments when you need to step back, take a breath, and recharge. Remember, even detours are part of the journey.

Harness the Power of Visualization
Your mind is a powerful tool. Visualize success, and immerse yourself in achieving those small goals. Control your imagination, banishing negative thoughts. Positive visualization fuels confidence and motivation. The mind is your greatest ally; use it wisely.

Manage Self-Critique
Criticism can be a double-edged sword. Embrace it as a tool for improvement, not a destructive force. Develop a healthy relationship with yourself. Learn from your critiques and let them guide your growth.

Stay Inspired
Art thrives on inspiration. Seek out motivational quotes, immerse yourself in art and literature, and explore the world around you. Fresh ideas infuse new life into your work, invigorating your artistic journey.

Prioritize Self-Care
Amidst the hustle, remember to care for yourself. Your physical and mental well-being are paramount. Engage in activities that rejuvenate you, practice self-love, and step away from work when needed. A nourished mind creates better art.

Persistence Is Vital As An Artist

Track Your Progress and Stay Flexible
Record your milestones, no matter how small. Social media can serve as a personal progress journal. But also, be flexible. Life evolves, circumstances change, and so should your strategies. Adapt, pivot, and stay true to your journey.

You Are Resilient
Above all, remember your strength. You are resilient. The road may be tough at times, but your passion will carry you through. Embrace your unique journey, one filled with highs and lows that shape your artistic story.

Keep these tips in your toolbox and approach your art career with a heart full of persistence and resilience. I adore each one of you, and I can’t wait to see the incredible masterpieces you’ll create on this remarkable journey. Until next time, stay inspired, stay motivated, and keep shining brightly on your artistic path. Adios!

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