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How To Be A Creative Bad-Ass

Today, we’re delving into the realm of artistic badassery – because, let’s face it, you are a creative badass, and it’s high time you owned that title!

If you’ve been following my videos and musings, you’ve probably caught me showering you with the “badass” term quite frequently. There’s something about the word that resonates with me – it encapsulates the spirit of fearlessly embracing who you are, even in a world that tells you what that should be.

So, what’s the deal with being a badass anyway? Why do I think it is important? Well, for me, it’s all about adopting an unapologetic attitude that defies the norms, casts aside doubt, and laughs in the face of rejection. As artists, we tread paths that others might not dare to venture, and that takes an extra ounce of courage. That’s why I’m toying with the idea of my next book being called the “Rogue Artist Guide: How to Be a Creative Badass” – because, embracing that term is a statement of intent, a declaration that you’re here to stay and create waves.

You Are A Creative Badass

Being an artist can often feel like a solitary journey, navigating through the tumultuous waters of creation and validation. The art world has a funny way of tying our worth to external validation, leaving us feeling like we need a stamp of approval to even be considered artists. But here’s where the magic happens: the mindset of a badass empowers you to push through those challenges, transcend those myths, and redefine your journey.

So, what does it really mean to be a creative badass? 

1. Confident Self Image:

Ladies and gents, it’s time to rewrite your narrative. Your self-image is a canvas that’s constantly evolving. Shed the layers of doubt and redefine who you are. Acknowledge your strengths, embrace your accomplishments, and stare challenges in the eye with fearless determination. It’s your journey, and you define the story.

2. Resilience and Adaptability:

Picture yourself as a mighty oak that bends with the wind but never breaks. Badasses thrive on adversity, using challenges as stepping stones to growth. Embrace the unexpected, pivot with finesse, and see obstacles as opportunities to shine even brighter. Remember, you’re the master of your narrative.

3. Courageous Action:

In the realm of badasses, comfort zones are mere stepping stones. Leap into the unknown with unwavering courage. Embrace risks and uncertainties like old friends; they are the gateways to your most daring accomplishments. Trust yourself to navigate uncharted waters and emerge triumphant.

You Are A Creative Badass

4. Assertive Communication:

Your voice, your thoughts, your boundaries – they all matter. The power of assertive communication lies in expressing yourself clearly and unapologetically. It’s a superpower that grants you control over your life’s narrative. Speak up, define your limits, and let your authentic voice resonate.

5. Unapologetic Authenticity:

Here’s the secret sauce: there’s no one quite like you. Embrace your quirks, your unique perspective, and your genuine self. Authenticity is your artistry’s North Star. Blaze your trail, defy conformity, and let your true colors shine. Remember, the art world is a canvas where you get to paint your own masterpiece.

Being a creative badass isn’t a switch you flip overnight. It’s a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the depths of your potential, and realizing that you have the power to define who you are. You might have been told who you are, but remember that your story is yours to write. Your narrative, your journey, your badassery.

Unleash your inner rogue artist, because you’re already on this incredible journey. And if you ever doubt it, remember: you’ve got this. You’re a masterpiece in the making, a canvas of potential waiting to be painted with your unique colors.

You Are A Creative Badass

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Rogue Artist Community Podcast. Stay creative, keep pushing those boundaries, and know that you’re a badass in my book. Until next time, keep rocking that artistic journey with unapologetic authenticity. Adios!