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The Art of Procrastination

Today, we will discuss a topic that’s the bane of many creatives: procrastination. It’s a word that often carries a negative connotation, but here’s the truth – procrastinating is an essential part of the creative process.

I’ve had countless people approach me over the years, expressing guilt and frustration because they haven’t created art recently. Sometimes it’s just a week, sometimes it turns into a month, and, in some cases, even years go by without picking up a paintbrush or sculpting tool. This sense of unproductivity can be disheartening, but it’s essential to understand that it’s okay to take a break from your creative endeavors.

It’s OK To Take A Break

Life happens, and there are moments when you need to step away from your art to deal with personal matters, work, or other responsibilities. The key to maintaining a positive relationship with your creativity is understanding that it’s perfectly okay to set your artwork aside for a while.

Now, I’m a firm believer in creating something daily, even if it’s just a small sketch or a moment spent pondering creative ideas. However, it’s vital to remember that you don’t have to be constantly painting, sculpting, or creating elaborate masterpieces. The real enemy here isn’t the absence of art in your life; it’s the way you talk to yourself when you’re not creating.

In a world dominated by the hustle culture, where we’re constantly told to work, work, and work some more, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you must always be creating. But the truth is, this mentality isn’t sustainable. It’s crucial to recognize that you have the power to decide when and how you engage with your art.

It’s OK To Take A Break

If you find yourself in a procrastination phase, don’t berate yourself. Give yourself permission to take a day off, a week off, or even longer if you need it. It’s okay to step back, take a walk, read a book, binge-watch Netflix, or simply do anything that helps you recharge. Sometimes, life throws challenges at us, and it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and healing.

I often find that people seek validation or permission to take a break from their art, but the truth is, you don’t need anyone’s approval. You are the master of your artistic journey. You decide when it’s time to create or take a step back.

You set your boundaries, and you get to choose what’s best for you at any given moment. Whether you want to dive headfirst into your studio, take a step back, or simply want to be left alone – it’s all okay.

It’s OK To Take A Break

If you’re struggling to reignite your creative spark, try “Fa-Chunking.” Start with a small commitment, maybe just five minutes of working on your art. If you don’t feel it after those five minutes, give yourself permission to step away. You can always try again tomorrow or whenever it feels right.

So, let’s reframe how we think about procrastination. It’s not a dirty word. It’s a natural part of the creative process. And it’s vital to remember that you can’t and shouldn’t be “on” all the time. Embrace your creative breaks, acknowledge your priorities, and know that your creativity will always be there, waiting for your return.

You are the artist, the creator, and the curator of your own creative journey. So, go ahead and procrastinate when you need to, and remember, it’s all part of the process.

Stay creative, even when it means not stepping into the studio. Embrace your creativity on your own terms, and go out there and be your amazing self. You have my complete and utter permission to do just that. Adios! Until next week!

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