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Don’t Make Sense to Anyone but Yourself

Today, I want to dive into a topic that has been on my mind for quite some time – the idea that you don’t have to make sense to anyone but yourself when it comes to your art and your creative journey.

Early in my career, I constantly pondered questions like, “What niche do I fit into? What’s my brand?” These questions are often tied to marketing and branding strategies, so I decided to flip the script. Instead of trying to fit into a pre-defined mold, I realized that I should create my own dynamic mold, even if it doesn’t make sense to everyone.

Your brand is you, plain and simple. It’s not about trying to fit into someone else’s idea of what you should be. Your brand could be your eccentric nature, your introverted or extroverted tendencies, or anything that authentically represents you. The key is to be yourself and not worry about fitting into a specific box.

I’ve seen many artists limit themselves because they believe their art has to make sense to others. They restrict their color palettes or stick to one subject matter, fearing that any deviation will confuse people. But here’s the truth: your art is meant to be more significant than conforming to marketing norms. It’s about self-expression and exploration.

You Don’t Have To Make Sense As An Artist

The pressure to categorize ourselves is a burden many artists bear. We feel compelled to create a persona that others will like, often mirroring the experiences we had in our formative years. Just as we tried to fit in during school, we attempted to fit into a specific artistic mold. However, this approach can be stifling and lead to a creative prison.

The reality is that there’s no one-size-fits-all path to success in the art world. Every successful artist I’ve encountered has two things in common: they remained true to themselves and persisted in their craft. It’s not about following someone else’s formula, whether it’s color palettes or subject matter.

You don’t need to emulate an existing brand. You just have to be you. As artists, we’re storytellers, constantly evolving and often incomprehensible. And that’s perfectly fine. Embrace your uniqueness and don’t let the desire for categorization stifle your creativity.

In the realm of popularity and recognition, we all want to be noticed. But do you want to be noticed as a brand you’ve constructed over the years, or do you want to be seen as you – flawed, imperfect, and authentically human? I personally cherish the fact that some find me eccentric because I don’t make sense to them. It’s a testament to being yourself and setting yourself apart.

Marketing often teaches us to conform and follow established patterns for success. However, the most powerful thing you can do is stand out by being yourself. The world will want what you have to express because it’s uniquely you.

You Don’t Have To Make Sense As An Artist

So, as you navigate your artistic journey and ponder your next steps, remember that sticking to a specific mold will only box you in. Question those limiting beliefs and embrace your amazing, unique self. When you put yourself out there, do it unapologetically as yourself. You can’t get it wrong when you’re being authentic.

Don’t worry about making sense to anyone other than yourself. Even if you sometimes don’t fully understand yourself, that’s okay. Just be who you are, have fun on this creative journey, and watch as those who resonate with your authenticity gravitate toward you.

Thank you so much for tuning in. I appreciate each and every one of you. Until next week, adios!

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