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You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To | Get Creative!

It’s interesting to me how doing something vs talking about it can make all the difference.

I am an Artist, Filmmaker and Graphic Designer… And that’s how I make my living. I’m not pulling in millions of dollars at the moment, but I do make enough to live comfortably, something I had always deemed impossible.

You see, a few years back I looked at myself through the eyes of a pessimist who believed that you had to be lucky in order to do what you love to do. When I look back I realize I just didn’t believe in myself and in my ability to make it through my own road blocks. There is one thing that all professional creative people have in common, they didn’t give up even when it seemed like they were going nowhere… Even when people added in their two cents and told them they should get a “real” job.

As far as I’m concerned working on a project (art, film or computer graphic design) finishing it and eventually selling it is the best job in the world.

The problem wasn’t what other people were telling me, it was what I was telling myself.

I had fantastic excuses on why I couldn’t start a career in a creative field. My resume showed 10 years of corporate management, I had no proper schooling, it was just a hobby, it’s hard to make it as an artist, There’s a reason why they call them starving artist, I don’t have enough time, I don’t know where to start, I need money to get this started, No one thinks I can do it, I’m not creative enough… Basically I would talk myself out of it before I even attempted to make it.

The fact is, you can do what ever you dream of. In fact I know that if anyone decides they want to do something, there is nothing that can stand in their way other than themselves.

I have free wristbands that I give out at my store that have my website on them, on the other side it reads “You Only Live Once” and on my business card it reads “If you knew you could not fail, what dream would you dare to dream.”

I know now, that failure is impossible unless you give up… If you don’t give up, no matter what the odds, there is no way you can fail… eventually, you would have to get it right.

I have met some amazing people who wish they could do what I’m doing… My answer to them and to you if you are reading this is “you can.” You can do anything!