Klee Angelie Bio

Klee Angelie is a jewelry artist and musician whose talents weave through the realms of tangible art and soul-stirring melodies, captivating audiences for over a decade. With a spirit as vibrant as the pieces she creates, Klee’s artistic journey is a harmonious blend of visual and auditory storytelling, showcasing her belief in the transformative power of creativity.

The Spark of Creation

From a tender age, Klee demonstrated an intrinsic passion for creation and an innate curiosity about the world around her. Her love for music ignited at just 5 years old when she would passionately sing into a hairbrush, using her hot pink boombox as her personal concert stage. This early expression of musical joy set the stage for a lifelong pursuit of artistic expression through sound.

Parallel to her musical explorations, Klee developed a profound fascination with the natural world, particularly with the stones she found along the shores of Lake Superior. The magic and beauty of these colorful treasures captivated her imagination, sowing the seeds of what would blossom into a career in jewelry design. This early appreciation for the beauty and mystery of natural stones and the way light moves through an object would later inform her unique approach to creating jewelry that resonates with the stories and energies of the earth and human spirit.

A Fusion of Elements: Jewelry Artistry

Klee’s journey into jewelry making officially began in 2010, marked by a period of experimentation and exploration into the materials and designs that she found most fascinating. This foray into jewelry artistry was driven by her desire to create pieces that not only adorned the body but also spoke to the soul. Her creations are narratives wrought in metal and stone, each piece a conversation, a tale of its own.

Each piece she crafts is a testament to her journey from those early days of wonder on the shores of Lake Superior to her current status as an acclaimed artist. Her selection of materials is guided by a deep respect for the natural world, magic, and beauty. Combining precious metals with the same elements that first captured her imagination as a child.

klee ange

Her designs are a balance between homage to simple ancient traditions of self discovery and contemporary expressions. Inspired by the mythology and inherent beauty of the natural world, sunlight, and expression of vibration, Klee’s pieces are a dialogue between the wearer and the universe, embodying elegance, strength, and the ethereal.

Harmonies and Lyrics: The Musical Voyage

Klee’s musical journey officially began in 2002 with her involvement in her first band, an experience enriched by sold-out shows and a memorable victory in a battle of the bands competition. This period was crucial in shaping her confidence as a performer and as an artist deeply connected to the emotive power of music.

Together with Rafi Perez in Better On The Drums, Klee has further explored her musical identity. Their music is a rich tapestry of themes and stories, woven with Klee’s versatile vocal talents, reflecting her profound connection to music that began with a young girl’s dreams and a hot pink boombox.

Notable Works and Achievements

In 2010, she released her first music album, “Let Me Sell You A Dream,” marking a significant milestone in her musical career. This debut was followed by the release of many singles, each one showcasing her growth as an artist and her versatility in musical expression.

In 2017, Klee ventured into the realm of fine jewelry with a piece titled “Clarity in Geometry,” a work that expanded her skills in creating magical talismans of jewelry. This piece is a testament to her mastery in blending aesthetic beauty with symbolic depth.

The following year, Klee worked on a captivating large-scale installation called “The Firefly Room.” Visitors were immersed in the enchanting world beneath an old oak tree, surrounded by fireflies, bringing a magical experience to an area devoid of these luminescent creatures.

2020 marked Klee’s participation in her first large gallery exhibition, where she showcased empowering and beautiful jewelry, further establishing her reputation in the art world.

In 2021, Klee and her husband, Rafi Perez, moved to northwest PA and organized a large art and jewelry exhibition titled “Hi! We Are New Here,” highlighting their arrival and bringing their unique artistic perspectives to the area.

By 2023, Klee played a pivotal role in organizing a free masterclass for artists in Oil City, PA, sharing her knowledge and experience to inspire and guide emerging artists on their creative journeys.

Collaborative Ventures and Inspirations

Klee’s artistic path is intimately linked with that of her partner, Rafi Perez. Their combined ventures span exhibitions, workshops, videos, and music, each endeavor a celebration of their shared creative spirit. 

Legacy and Looking Forward

Klee Angelie embodies the essence of creative living, her legacy a testament to the beauty and fulfillment found in pursuing one’s artistic passions. Her work in both jewelry and music continues to inspire, a reminder of the profound impact of art on individual lives and the broader world. As she delves deeper into her crafts, Klee stands as a guiding light for all who seek to embrace their creativity and uncover the magic within and around them. 

Her journey is a celebration of creativity, passion, and the endless adventure that comes with living a life dedicated to art. Klee Angelie’s story is not just about the achievements and accolades but about the impact she has on those who come into contact with her work, whether through the gentle embrace of her jewelry or the emotive power of her music.


As Klee continues to explore the depths of her artistry, she remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible, blending the lines between the visual and auditory, the tangible and the ethereal. Her legacy is one of inspiration, urging others to pursue their passions, to find their voice in whatever medium speaks to them, and to contribute their own unique beauty to the world.